NFPA Compliant Burn Building Inspections
In order to assist in monitoring and protecting your investment of a live-fire training simulator; WHP offers NFPA compliant inspections as a way to identify and mitigate potential issues and extend the life of your building.
WHP NFPA Compliant Building Inspections Include:
- Visually inspect all hardware, hinges, spring closures, and barrel bolts.
- Visually inspect all doors and windows for proper adjustment and condition.
- Visually inspect all stairs, railings, hatches, ladders, and components such as risers, sprinklers, and piping.
- Perform a visual inspection of all wall panels, roof panels, and structural components.
- Visually inspect all caulked joints and ensure no fasteners are missing. Spot check of fasteners to ensure proper tightness.
- Conduct a visual inspection of insulating panels and proper placement of insulating panels to ensure the building shell is adequately protected.
- Perform inspection of insulating panel fasteners as well as the removal of insulating panels to inspect the structure behind the panel.
- Provide a detailed inspection report that outlines the components of the inspection and describes any deficiencies found with written and photographic supporting documentation.

In addition to WHP’s NFPA compliant inspections, some jurisdictions require inspections to be performed by a licensed structural engineer. In order to meet the requirements of those jurisdictions, WHP also offers licensed structural engineer inspection. In addition to the inspection outlined above the NFPA compliant inspection by a licensed engineer includes the following:
- A field visit to the site by a licensed structural engineer that specializes in burn building design and inspection.
- A written report detailing the inspection.
- Photographic documentation of the burn building.
- Onsite debriefing with local officials.