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40+ Years, 1000+ Installations
40+ Years, 1000+ Installations

Built to Burn

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The strongest training towers merit the strongest, built to burn insulating panels. WHP offers the best system on the market. Padgenite™ insulating panels are attached to metal mounting channels. The system is designed to allow for an additional insulating air space between the panels and the walls of the building. Each insulation is custom engineered and arrives on-site with a complete set of plans.

Padgenite Interlock, Burn Room, Grandview, MO 2025, WHP Trainingtowers
Padgenite Interlock 2, Burn Room, Grandview, MO 2025, WHP Trainingtowers

The insulating properties of the panels are such that if the temperature on the face of the Padgenite Interlock™ panel is 1000° F, the temperature on the opposite side is only 269° F. When burning in one of our metal buildings, the Padgenite Interlock™, coupled with the air space, insulate so effectively that you can touch the outside of the building.

Padgenite Interlock Burn Room, Grandview, MO 2025 WHP Trainingtowers
Padgenite Interlock Burn Room, Grandview, MO, 2025 WHP Trainingtowers


  • Highly durable, low maintenance insulation
  • Protects metal, masonry, concrete
  • Class A or gas simulator fires
  • New construction, retro-fit, or repair for damaged buildings
  • Realistic “dry-wall” appearance
  • Works well with thermal imaging cameras
  • No “drying out period” between uses
  • No fire placement restrictions within room
  • No freeze/thaw issues
  • Asbestos-free, calcium silicate product
  • Does not support mold growth or absorb water

For optimal coverage and best value use: Padgenite Interlock™