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Meet Ross Schmidt, Drafter at WHP Trainingtowers™

WHP Training towers, Ross Schmidt, drafter, 2025

It’s the people at WHP Trainingtowers™ who are truly behind our success. We sat down with Ross Schmidt, Drafter, to find out a little more about his job and his life:

How long have you worked at WHP?

I’m fairly new. I’ve been here for four and a half months.

What are you responsible for?

I draw 3D parts in Fusion 360 (a software platform for designing and manufacturing products) and do all of the erection drawings for designing whole buildings in Revit (a building modeling software).

What do you do on a daily basis?

Draw in Revit and Fusion 360.

What do you like most about your job?

I enjoy my coworkers and I enjoy solving problems in 3D spaces.

What makes WHP a great place to work?

The people here are all great. Everyone is very welcoming and likes to come up with the best ways to do things. I really like answering questions for the shop guys in person. I think having the drawing department and the shop connected is a huge strength that not many companies have, and it gives WHP a big advantage.

How do you help clients?

While I do not directly interact with clients, I make parts that will solve their problems with the help of direction from management. It’s very satisfying knowing that I make fire training towers stronger and safer.

What makes you proud about WHP Trainingtowers?

I like that we help firefighters train better so hopefully they can save more lives and do it safely so they do not get hurt themselves.

Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of work.

I live in Sugar Creek, Missouri. I have no wife and no kids, but I have a bunch of hobbies. My most interesting hobby is doing Gambler 500s where I go on a 500-mile off-road race with a bunch of other hicks in 500-dollar cars and pick up trash in the state and national parks. I have done about 15 of these and it’s a blast. I have a six-door limo with me painted on the hood that I do these in.

At WHP Trainingtowers™ we provide the highest quality, most rugged metal fire training buildings available. To learn more about WHP and what makes our training towers the best, call 1-800-351-2525 or for international calls 1 913-385-3663 or contact us online.

Ross Schmidt, WHP Trainingtowers™, 2025