At WHP Trainingtowers™, we know Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) have made training towers available to many fire departments and districts. With the grant period for this year quickly approaching, we have some tips that will help you secure training tower grant money in particular. But don’t wait: It takes time to gather all the necessary information and time will run out. Typically, the AFG filing period closes four weeks after it opens.
Regional Training Offers Economies of Scale
Training towers are one of the few items that allow regional grant money to go further. That’s because fire departments can team up for training. For example if fire department X has 40 firefighters and fire department Z has 50 firefighters, you can train 90 firefighters for the same amount of money as if department X or Z went it alone. Add two or three more departments to the regional grant and you can see how this becomes a force multiplier. Other equipment doesn’t have this advantage because if these departments wanted to buy protective clothing, you still need 90 sets, whether you go regional or not. That’s why requesting training tower grant money as a region gives you an advantage.
3 Reasons to Go for a Regional Training Tower Grant
If you’re going to apply for grant money for a training tower, it makes a lot of sense to make it a regional request. You want every advantage possible when applying for grant money. Funding is limited and requests are many. Here are three benefits of making your request regional:
Boost Your Chances of Receiving Funding
AFG administrators want to see value for dollars spent. Being able to train 200 firefighters from four departments is a better value than training 50 from one department. Going regional boosts the chances of getting grant funding because having more people gives your request a higher value in their eyes.
Improve ISO Ratings
The score provided by the Insurance Services Office to fire departments and insurance companies reflects how prepared a community is for fires. Firefighter training is one of the few areas where fire departments have direct control over their ISO score. And a key component of that is showing that the minimum for training hours at a bonafide training facility was met. Going regional can improve your ISO ratings if your department doesn’t have a training facility available. A better ISO rating is great public relations and can save homeowners on their insurance costs.
Enhance Relations/Training among Firefighters
Going regional makes it more likely that fire departments who provide each other with mutual aid and automatic aid will train together and become better at working with each other. They can learn from each other. In short, they can better protect their communities and stay safer.
Go for the Grant Money to Improve Your Training and Safety
Assistance to Firefighters Grants are awarded to fire departments, state fire training academies, and emergency medical service organizations to enable them to fund critically needed resources to equip and train their emergency personnel. See all awards. The money is there… make your case, make it well, and improve your ability to train with a fire training tower. If you want to secure funding for your department, consider contacting other departments in your region to enhance your chances. You’ll also make some good social connections while you’re at it.
Give WHP Trainingtowers a call at 1 (800) 351-2525 or contact us online. We’d love to build a training tower for you and your regional partners!