At WHP Trainingtowers, we know Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) have made fire training tower grants available to many fire departments and districts. With the grant period for this year quickly approaching, we have some tips that will help you secure grant money for training towers in particular. But don’t wait: Typically, the AFG filing period closes four weeks after it opens. Begin collecting data now!
5 Fire Training Tower Grant Mistakes
Obtaining grant money requires a dedication to the process… and time. It’s best to start as soon as possible. If you end up scrambling at the last minute, your request won’t be as effective and your chances of receiving the grant will diminish.
Here are some mistakes to avoid when applying for training tower grant money:
1: Procrastination
The grant application process takes time. Not starting the grant writing process early enough may be the kiss of death for your funds. Plan for unexpected delays in data gathering. It is better to start early than to leave data out because it couldn’t be secured. This is especially true for those applying for regional grants. Coordinating all of the data from the different grant partners is even more challenging, and not leaving enough time may mean not making the deadline or not having the needed data.
2: Not Making a Strong Enough Case for Cost/Benefit
Grant application reviewers want to see that the money will have a meaningful impact. Show how many firefighters will benefit and how the community will benefit from the shared asset. Where possible, attach realistic monetary values to the training tower purchase, such as cost savings for out-of-district training or from an improved ISO rating.
3: Not Making a Strong Enough Needs Case
You need to hammer home how financially challenged each of the grant partners is and how it can’t be done without the grant funding. Remember, the AFG members want to give this money to those who genuinely need it. Plead your case well by convincing them of your need. Use hard figures from past budgets to make your case.
4: Not Highlighting All of the Risks the Firefighters Face
This is where industrial sites, traffic counts, schools, hospitals, etc. come into play. If you are joining forces with neighboring departments in your region, (and we highly recommend doing that to improve your chances for a training tower grant) make sure to include the risks within each grant partner’s jurisdiction. Paint a clear picture of how a new training tower will address your existing threats.
5: Not Taking the Time to Have Well-Written Narratives
If you are asking for a lot of money and competing with a lot of other departments, write to impress. It’s like wearing a smart suit to a job interview. Have a trained writer or editor review your narratives.
Take a Regional Approach to Fire Training Tower Grants
At WHP Trainingtowers, we know how important funding is to making better training available. We hope these tips help you secure the money you need to build a training tower in your district. If you’re applying for a training tower grant, you may also want to see how going with a regional approach to grant application will increase your chances as well.
Dot your “i”s and cross your “t”s to give your department/region the best chance at getting that grant money. If you’d like to learn how to succeed in the grant game, get more tips from Jerry Brant, a senior grant consultant and grant writer with FireGrantsHelp and EMSGrantsHelp.
But remember, don’t procrastinate. When you secure funding, give WHP Trainingtowers a call at: 1 (800) 351-2525 or, contact us online! We’d love to build a training tower for you and your regional partners!